The Port’s strategic location, just outside the Arabian Gulf, makes it the preferred site from which to load the Middle East’s highest quality aggregate and limestone. More than 20 quarries are in close proximity to the Port and a highly efficient conveyor and bulk-loader system ensures quick turnaround for vessels of up to 100,000 DWT.

The Port handles significant export volumes of aggregate and limestone for the GCC-Indian subcontinent markets, in addition to the imports of coal, furnace slag and grains. A highly skilled workforce ensures quick turnaround based on 24-hour service, supported by an extensive range of modern equipment including mobile cranes, all types of cargo slings, forklifts, trailers and MAFIs. The Port of Fujairah offers five dry bulk and general cargo berths dredged to 15 m, three of which are dedicated to bulk loaders.




Fujairah is well known for its high quality rock resources, including gabbro, limestone, mudstone and basalt. This has made Fujairah a destination of choice for investors in material for buildings, roads and other construction, including cement factories and crushers.

Fujairah Natural Resources Corporation (FNRC) has divided all mining activities into three zones distributed across the Emirate. From these zones, mined rocks are trucked to a stockpile area operated by the Port. Two conveyor belts (one 3.3 km and the other 4.8 km) connect the stockpile area with the two bulk loaders inside the Port, resulting in a highly efficient vessel loading operation.

Key features:

  • Two bulk loaders with 2,000 mt/hr and 4,000 mt/hr loading capacity
  • High productivity and quality control
  • Environmentally friendly loading solution
  • Capacity to handle large vessels of up to 100,000 DWT
  • Flexible stockpile storage arrangements
  • Accommodation of gearless vessels
Stockpile Criteria
Number of Lay-Down Areas 25
Average Size 17,400 m2
Average Height 10 m
Average Stockpile Capacity 200,000 mt
Stockpile Method Aggregate discharged by truck, stockpiles formed by front-end loader
Reclaiming Method Tip trucks discharge into hoppers; feed loading; conveyor belt into the Port
Reclaiming Rates 2,000 mt/hr for Bulk Loader #1
4,000 mt/hr for Bulk Loader #2


Since 2016, Etihad Mills, a joint venture between Al Dahra and Loulis Mills, has operated a high-tech grain terminal for both strategic reserves as well as commercial purposes. The company handles a wide range of products, from wheat to barley and corn. Third-party storage is offered for transhipment and trading purposes.

Etihad Mills operates 20 silos in Fujairah, with a total grains storage capacity of roughly 300,000 tons. This enables domestic and regional capabilities in grains trading and ensures a consistent flow of grains into the region. Etihad Mills’ business model is based on the import of grains from North America, South America, Europe and Australia for storage and distribution across the UAE, various GCC counties, the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Africa.

The Grain Terminal is connected to the Port via a conveyor belt system, and the two bulk loaders at SSB # 2 have the capacity to discharge 1,200 mt/hr and load at 600 mt/hr for vessels of up to 90,000 dwt.


Berth Criteria Berth #5 Berth #6 SBB #1 SBB #2 SBB #3
Function Bulk Loader Aggregate Bulk Loader Aggregate Multi-purpose Bulk Loader
Loading Capacity 2,000 mt / hr 4,000 mt / hr N.A 1,200 mt / hr (discharge)
600 mt / hr (loading)
Berth Length 300 metres 319 metres 300 metres 280 metres 280 metres
Bollard Numbers 35-46 46-57 1-17 17-32 34-49
Water Depth Approaches 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD)
Water Depth Alongside 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD) 15 metres(CD)
Maximum Arrival Draught 13 metres 13 metres 13.5 metres 13.5 metres 13.5 metres
Maximum Sailing Draught 13.5 metres 13.5 metres 14 metres 14 metres 14 metres


For enquiries or more information, please contact:

Capt. Taleb Alyammahi

Operations Manager

Capt Saeed Alyammahi

HSE Manager

Imtiaz Ahmed

Operations Superintendent

Martijn Heijboer

Business Development Manager

Badr Al Fadli

Trading Manager Aldhara (Grain Terminal)